Our Mei Li is Thriving!!!!
Tah-Dah!!!! You Gotta Love Me!!!!
Within the last month, we have "stumbled upon" this amazing Yahoo group of Shanghai families. And, through these families who are bonded together with one commonality. . . we all have children we are bringing home... or have brought home.... from Shanghai. And, most of our children are in the same orphanage and know one another. Through this beautiful group of families, a window to our daughter's world has opened. And, lovely pictures and "eye-witness" updates of her health and well-being are being given to us. I have to tell you, this is like manna from heaven.
Thank you, Mary Beth, for these recent pictures!!!!! And, thank you for telling us what you saw with your very own eyes about our daughter while you were in Shanghai last month!!!! She tells us that Mei Li is overflowing with personality, is incredibly happy, is playful and full of joy. . . and that she walks and runs and gets around beautifully!!! What wonderful news!!!!!
Without further delay. . .
No words. . . just look :)
I don't think she's full of mischief. . . do you??? ;)
Her shirt says it all!
Mei Li loves visitors!! She is "not" shy, I hear :)
Pure joy!!! And, never lacking for expression. . .
I wonder what she is thinking about here.
Mei Li and her friends :)
Mei Li with her classmates
That candy must taste good!!
Mei Li, practicing the air-horn. :)
Our precious little girl!!! Can't wait for you to come home!!
Thank you so much, Mary Beth!!! What treasures you have given us while we wait!!