This has been a LONG time coming!! But, it is finally complete!! :) Be sure to check out the video link at the end of this post before you go! It captures our China journey better than any words could ever say! And, it takes you along with us :)
Our Mei Li is doing so well! I know I haven't posted often lately. We have been busy living life and enjoying our family. Mei Li had a follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon a few weeks ago and he was very pleased with her progress. And, yesterday, we had the follow-up with the orthopedic surgeon and he wants to have her daytime AFO replaced with a different kind that will help straighten her knee. She walks with a dip and is compensating with her other leg. So, we will be getting a new brace that should help straighten her gait. She has come such a long way!! We are so very thankful!
WELL. . . I have been busy learning how to use the movie maker on my computer and I am now ready to unveil the video of our China journey! So without further delay. . . Here is "To China with Love. . . We Are Family". I hope you enjoy!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Drum Roll. . . Long Time Coming!!
Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 6, 2012
Mei Li. . . 6 months later :D

Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 7:06 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Springtime in Asheville
Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
6 Months Later. . .

Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 7:18 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Funny Story!! "Who Works for #1???"
So, let me see if I can capture this story adequately in words. I'm not sure it is possible. It may just be one of those "you had to be there" moments. . .
Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 27, 2012
Patching our lives together. . . The new normal. . .
It's been a few weeks since I've blogged, and I apologize for keeping people hanging. Since Mei Li's spinal surgery on January 30th, she is doing absolutely beautifully! We couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. And, Mei Li, as is always Mei Li's style, took the surgery and recovery period on her back in great stride and with an amazingly positive and cooperative attitude. As a result of her cooperation and lying still for those 10 days, her back healed beautifully. And, a couple of weeks ago, we visited Dr. Blount with our follow-up. He was thrilled with her progress and gave Mei Li the "all clear" for normal activity. Now, I'm a bit overly-protective. And, honestly the very thought of Dr. Blount having to remove a piece of her spine during that surgery is all I need to closely monitor every activity Mei Li does. . . at least for a little while. I cringe at the thought of her hurting her spine. So, her "normal activities" have been closely guarded at least for a little longer. Ha!! Until mom is feeling more confident that Mei Li is not fragile.
Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Just One Miracle. . . Of Many Miracles
Our journey to Mei Li has brought along with it so many instances of seeing God's hand work in miraculous ways. These instances began over four years ago and have come in a steady stream ever since. It always takes my breath away when God shows up and does something at the perfect time and in the perfect way. And, because these miracles have been so numerous and so incredible, I've actually begun writing a book of our journey to China and God's call on our family. I hope to finish writing it this year!
Posted by White's Journey to Taiwan at 5:45 PM 0 comments