Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Update

Well, November had lots of fun moments. There will be pics posted soon--gotta get Geoff to upload some ;-). First of all, Anna Grace auditioned for a performing group called Sprouts. . . . and (drum rolllllllllll . . .), she found out she made it!!! Let me tell you, that was one excited little girl when she got the email. She had a hard time going to bed after that! It was a "big girl" audition too. No parents allowed. She was dropped off with her head shot, her music and her information sheet. Two hours later, she called us to tell us to come get her. Geoff and I were so proud of her that she was so brave!!! She was asked to sing 16 bars of a song and performed it with an accompanist. She had to learn a dance combination. And, she had to introduce herself using a type of character voice. She was asked to use an "abnoxious cheerleader" voice! Haha!!

Then, the very evening of her audition, we held her 7th birthday party. It was great! We did a "Campfire Sing-a-long" with Daddy on guitar, hot dogs and s'mores and had a flashlight treasure hunt in the back yard with all kinds of goodies from Dollar Tree tucked in nooks and crannies around the yard. Some of the goodies even glowed in the dark! It was a HIT with the little ones! The campfire part turned out well, but I have a few additional gray hairs as a result. For future campfires, here are some tips: 1. have "all" young-uns go potty immediately "before" departing for the campfire. 2. Marshmallows come to the kiddies---not the other way around. Policy around campfire is to stay seated ;-) 3. If one serves hot chocolate out of crock pot, have an ice bucket to add an ice cube to each cup of steaming cocoa so no little hands or lips get roasted. 4. Haven't figured out the alternative to the wire coat hangers for s'mores--but would love to find one! All in all, the kids thought it was the coolest thing ever!!! It was memorable and fun---but mommy was VERY tired at the end of the night!!! All eye balls, lips, noses, fingers and toesies were intact at night's end!!!

I began rehearsals for SCROOGE the musical in early November, and we opened today. It has been great fun and awesome people in the cast. I've also continued to record and work on my album. It is coming along really well! So excited about the tracks that have been layed so far!

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We spent the afternoon at my brother's home with family! It was a house full. The food was sinful and the company was great :-) We are truly blessed with our families, and that we could all be together. . . at least mostly. We did miss seeing Geoff's family this Thanksgiving. But, Yaya will be here for Christmas!

We enter December and the Christmas season with much to be grateful for. Still no referral news. The last Journeys referral that we are aware of was in October. We are still #6 on the list--to our knowledge. Sure would be a Christmas miracle to see our sweet girl's face for the first time. Not counting on it. . . but, just in case Santa's reading ;-)

There will be more posts to come! Thanks for reading.


QingLu Mama said...

So hope those referrals start moving a bit more quickly...this wait has been so very long for you.
The campfire birthday sounds just awesome, what a great and unusal idea for a party!
A big congrats to Anna Grace's on making the performance, that is just wonderful!
And I just love her fashion show below, she has a great fashion sense!(I am a bit behind in my apoligize!)
Have a wonderful hjoliday season and fingers crossed we hear some JOH news soon!

Lisa said...

Oh, it always a happy day when I get to peek into your happenings and hear all the latest!

Sorry we missed AG's birthday and her party sounds inspired! Your retelling of it was hilarious and I almost felt like I was right there with you....frazzled nerves, gray hairs, blissful exhaustion & all!

AND many congratulations on her part! That is HUGE and clearly highlights what a gifted and mature young lady she is! You must be bursting with pride and rightly so! In her place I would have been a puddle of nerves! LOL Heck, even as Mama I would have been a puddle of nerves! :)

And my friend, I think of your family often, always hoping your blessed news is forthcoming. I think back to our respective bumps in the road to be waitlisted and its simply impossible to think your family still waits. Yet you approach each day with such grace and faith......your baby girl is out there and she will find her way home and into your loving arms!And what a day that will be!!



Debi said...

So excited that Anna Grace made it into the performing group!!!! YAY!!!!
The campfire birthday sounds like so much fun.
Praying for your sweet Taiwanese princess and your faith and hope in the waiting and trusting time.
Love and hugs and prayers,